Pride Galveston kicks off with a pageant, then a fun-packed Labor Day Weekend
By Johnny Trlica The end of summer, the start of a new school year, and the beginning of football season all mean it&a...
By Johnny Trlica The end of summer, the start of a new school year, and the beginning of football season all mean it&a...
| Pop artist on new album ‘Boy’ and making his career work for him ...
By Jim Ayres Did you miss me? I certainly missed you, STAR readers.  Mobility issues have kep...
| NO RICE-A-RONI NEEDED  By Forest Riggs Unlike New Orleans or San Francisco, in Galveston, ...
By Romeo San Vicente We’ve seen Kristen Stewart hold her own as a low-key comedic MVP ...
By Johnny Trlica Commentary: “It was the third of June, another sleepy dusty delta day,â&euro...
By Colby Etherton With a presidential election on the horizon next year, it can be easy to forget that the Senate, Hou...
| The ‘And Just Like That…’ writer on Hollywood, boredom, and why she loves Michigan By...
By Juan Michael Porter IIÂ We should fight for the rights of transgender people because it is the right th...
| Support your local bookstore with must-read fiction, memoir, kids’ books, and more By D’Ann...