Facing another year of dicey family gatherings calls to remain masking, vaccines, and boosters that are not completely effective against a new COVID-19 variant and radio stations still playing The Chipmunks, I struggled — really struggled. 
Is it just me or did anyone else have trouble wrapping a difficult year in a pretty bow and calling it Christmas?
Ordinarily, I am the Christmas Fairy (a year-round fairy, some would accuse), but 2021 crushed my Whoville joy. If you think little Cindy had it rough, then I felt like the little sad sack dog turned reindeer dragging the Grinch’s sled. Slowly but surely, the COVD Grinch pushed me to the “Bah, Humbug†brink.
It began last Christmas under the imminent threat of disaster, but I rallied. I decorated, sang carols, baked cookies, bought thoughtful gifts and Christmas partied like it was 2019. Always a believer of all things glittered at Christmas, I was holly and jolly combined.
Christmas 2021 was Scrooge’s dream: bare tables, bare celebration, and barefoot Tiny Tims (God bless us, everyone). Decorations became Christmas cards on the mantle, Brenda Lee singing “Is That All There Is?†on a loop, Dollar Store cookies gifts from CVS , and a four-person “bubble†dinner with dry turkey and lumpy mashed potatoes.
But, I’m not bitter. I’ve got a whole year to turn it around. Screw you, COVID! Month by month, I aim to dig myself out of the pessimist’s hole (don’t go there!) and plan ahead. I’m going to continue to wear my mask, distance when necessary, and boost my booster if required.
Like Charlie Brown’s sad, little tree, bent-over by the weight of one ornament, when Linus wraps his blankie around the base, I will slowly rise. I’ll start with celebrations at every chance. Chocolate and roses in February, beer glasses raised to the Irish in March, Easter eggs, April showers, May flowers, and on and on.
So, if you found 2021 Christmas as difficult as I did, I invite you to join my COVID-cancelling Christmas this year. We have all year, but let’s start today, because… “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute. Need a little Christmas now.â€
And the COVID Grinch can kiss my glittered ass.
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