What you need to know about Delta 8 THC
- February 3, 2021
- Rafa
- Posted in Uncategorized
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By Rena McCain
Happy Weedsday to all of you beautiful people out there! I hope you have been enjoying your new year.
In this issue, the topic is Delta 8 THC. What is Delta 8 THC? Many people who are familiar with cannabis may have already become acquainted with or have heard a little about the “regular†THC, which is Delta 9 THC, or also known as Tetrahydrocannabinol. What many don’t know is that there is actually more than just one type of THC. This is where Delta 8 THC comes in.
Delta 8 THC is federally legal and legal in most states in the USA, thanks to H.R. 2, the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Bill. In the United States, the hemp derivation and lack of Delta-9 THC ideally put Delta-8 preparations into the same class as CBD products. This is a win-win for all of us!
Delta-8 THC is much rarer than Delta-9 THC as it grows only in very small amounts in the cannabis and hemp plants. Delta-8 THC shows up in both though and it can be derived from either type of cannabis plant using special breeding, extraction, and processing methods.
Unlike Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 itself currently has no federal scheduling or over-site because it isn’t illegal. However, it is possible to fail a drug test from use of Delta-8 THC. Most common drug tests do not test for specific types of THC, but they test for the THC metabolites. THC metabolites are the result of the body processing any form of THC. So if you need to pass a drug test, just be aware of this possible outcome.
Much like CBD and Delta-9 THC, Delta-8’s allure is the relaxation effects on the body, the ability to focus better, and the general uplifting effect that people have come to expect, along with reported pain reduction and decreased nausea.
Another advantage of Delta-8 THC for many people is that it is psychoactive for some people. It does not have this effect for everyone. For those it does affect, it gives off the same high effects as Delta-9 THC, but toned way down. This is a great advantage for those who concern themselves with not wanting to get too high. Delta-8 THC has been described by some as “sort of a middle ground between hemp, CBD and THC-Delta-9,†and so far, that seems to be as perfect a description.
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