By SA Tripi
Watching what you eat? Need to lose a few pounds? What is often one of the first things to be removed from your daily intake of food? Potatoes, those harbingers of evil starch. And not just those greasy French fries. All potatoes.
Before you ban this tuber from your diet, let’s look at it. A small white potato contains close to 15 percent of your daily potassium needs—more than a banana. It also has 30 percent of your daily vitamin C needs.Potatoes and sweet potatoes are complete foods. You can easily meet your basic nutritional needs (with the exception of vitamin B12).
One of the best things about potatoes is that only one to eight percent of their calories come from fat. They have very insignificant amounts of cholesterol,they don’t store poisonous chemicals from the environment and you can eat a lot of them. The body regulates the carbs you get from starch and if you eat too much of them, your body burns them off as heat and energy. They are not stored as fat. Sweet potatoes on their own can have a nice, natural sweetness. Regular potatoes might have a tendency to be a bit boring. Other than adding four pats of butter and sour cream, what else can you do to them to make them tasty and enjoyable and something that you might want to put into your diet?
They are good mixed in salads and in your scrambled eggs.They can be fried without excessive oil. A few shots of non-stick cooking spray in a pan with onions, garlic or your herbs of choice make for a tasty dish, or side dish. Nutritional yeast sprinkled on a hot baked potato or mashed potato salads a nice, cheesy flavor. Roasting potatoes in a pan that has been lightly sprayed with cooking spray and then adding fresh rosemary, garlic and onion powder, sea salt and ground pepper makes this a welcome addition to a low fat, heart-healthy diet.
Potatoes are filled with energizing carbs, essential vitamins, and gut healthy fiber. They are delicious and nutritious—potatoes are the perfect food.
Source: DrMcDougall.com
Photo: Via marthastewart.com
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