Category: Paula Dream

  • Meet the meat

    Meet the meat

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood)  In this issue, it’s all about how you handle your meat. Here are three easy recipes that will make you look like you slaved over a hot stove all day. With Mother’s Day at our door, maybe you can treat Mom to one of these dishes.   I hope everyone is getting their vaccine…

  • The good ol’ salad days

    The good ol’ salad days

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Seems like everyone is on a diet these days. I know I am.Speaking of junk in the truck, here are some really great salads that kind of make that green stuff more attractive. They’re easy to make and to take to the office for a healthy lunch. Or just serve…

  • Easy, flavorful chicken and dip

    Easy, flavorful chicken and dip

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Well, I hope everyone is thawed by now and has sufficient water for a shower. What a memory to start the year.  In this issue I share with you three more recipes I think everyone will want to try.  One more thing: Please remember to support MONTROSE STAR advertisers…

  • Sweets for your sweetie

    Sweets for your sweetie

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Hey! Where did January go? Like, even with Covid crisis, where did 2020 go? In this issue, I have my usual sweet tooth, which is what made me gain the weight during pandemic. But here are some recipes for your February sweetie.  Who knows where those calories might get you? Stay…

  • Stay warm with these steamy dishes

    Stay warm with these steamy dishes

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Wow! What a ride the year 2020 has given us. With the stay-at-home situation, all I did was watch TV, cook and eat and eat and eat some more. Yes, I did pay the price in pounds (no, not in British money). I’m giving you some nice winter recipes for the colder…

  • Apples are the eye of these recipes

    Apples are the eye of these recipes

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Holiday greetings to everyone. Wow, what a year this has been! And where did the time go? Here we are into the holidays already. Hopefully you have stayed well and Covid will soon be on its way out.  Even though our traditional gatherings may be hampered a bit, maybe a smaller intimate gathering…

  • Yummy chicken and cherry recipes

    Yummy chicken and cherry recipes

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Hello to all of you with cabin fever! I hope you have escaped the virus. Despite having cabin fever, you are like me enjoying the lighter traffic on the freeways, Yes, I too have picked up the pounds! Thankfully fall is here and the cooler weather. Hope you enjoy these recipes, especially…

  • Pies worth their weight in cream cheese

    Pies worth their weight in cream cheese

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Hello, everyone. Let’s start by asking how much extra weight have you gained during this pandemic shut down? I won’t tell, but Paula gets bored, so she cooks and delivers meals to those who are having tight times.  The Strawberry season is here. Take advantage of it while it lasts. You gotta…

  • Cooking through the COVID

    Cooking through the COVID

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Greeting to everyone. Is it the Lone Ranger behind that mask? Who would ever have imagined the things we have to do right now?  This whole situation has put havoc in my life. I lose track of where to run my traps. So, what do I do? Cook and gain weight and run…

  • Quarantine quickies

    Quarantine quickies

    By Paula Dream (AKA Kale Haygood) Well, guys and gals, if we were not already alcoholics after this stay at home mandate, we surely are now. Also, if we were not already overweight, we are now. And if we were not textaholics, we are now, just trying to keep up with all our running buddies. Me? I turn…