WTH is wrong with these people? (Part 1)
- September 4, 2024
- Laura
- Posted in HRH REPORT
- 9
By Johnny Trlica
Commentary: Ever talk to someone who is espousing their reasoning for believing something obviously false or completely disproven by any rational person and want to look them in the eye and ask, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
To those of us not wrapped up in the right-wing cult of conspiracy theories and alternative facts, it is time we start asking that question as we enter the homestretch of the political season of 2024.
Lots of LGBTQ+’s continue to vote for Republicans despite being shunned by them for decades. In Texas, the state GOP party platform has a section titled “Homosexuality and gender issues.” In it, the party suggested that LGBTQ people should not be legally protected from discrimination and that being gay or trans is a choice.
“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” the 40-page resolution reads. “We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.” In other words, a license to discriminate.
At their state convention, Texas Republicans blocked the Log Cabin Republicans, a longstanding group of gay conservatives, from having a booth at the gathering. Yet the poor misguided things keep coming back year after year. What the hell is wrong with them?
When the Supreme Court struck down a woman’s right to choose, many red states, including Texas, immediately instituted complete or nearly complete abortion bans. In Texas, women of childbearing age who miscarry can bleed out in hospital parking lots because doctors are afraid to treat them for fear of being criminally prosecuted.
Young women and girls are forced to flee Texas to get abortions after being raped or victims of incest while the men in their lives are still voting for the Republicans who installed these draconian laws. Come on guys, WTH is wrong with you?
Some women who had the right to an abortion, and in many cases took advantage of that right, have seen that right taken away from their daughters, granddaughters and other young women and vote for the creeps who did it. Come on gals, WTH is wrong with you?
After Tim Walz was announced as Kamala Harris’ Vice-Presidential choice, Bible thumping Republicans pointed out that he signed a bill allowing free lunches to public school children in Minnesota. As if that was a bad thing.
“As universal school meal proposals have spread across the country and been adopted by several Democratic governors and legislatures, they have been largely opposed by state Republicans. GOP governors have turned down federal funds to feed school children during the summer. And Project 2025, the conservative battle plan for a future Republican administration, argues that a GOP president must ‘reject efforts to create universal free school meals’ and roll back the steps the federal government has already taken in that direction,” wrote TheHill.com. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Many of our straight friends and family tells us that they are allies. Apparently, that only means getting fashion tips and invading our gay bars for cheap drinks and bachelorette parties. When it comes to actually supporting us, that kinship stops at the ballot box. Republican lawmakers in Texas in 2023 filed at least 55 bills targeting LGBTQ individuals, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), accounting for roughly 10 percent of anti-LGBTQ legislation filed nationwide last year. At least 84 bills, all sponsored by the GOP targeting LGBTQ people became law in 2023, according to the ACLU.
Remember the anti-drag bill the legislature passed, and Governor Greg Abbott signed into law last year? It would have basically outlawed drag shows had not a federal judge ruled it was unconstitutional.
Yet our right-wing acquaintances continue to vote for the very people who are trying to restrict our rights and livelihood. Makes you want to grab them by the shoulders while screaming, “What the hell is wrong with you?
Millions of Americans have benefited from the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They may have a child under the age of 26 that still needs their insurance coverage or a preexisting condition that would not be covered should they have to change policyholders. And still, they will vote for the party that vows to kill the ACA. WTH is wrong with them?
All of us have a right-wing friend or family member that we’d just love to grab by the shoulders and ask, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Part 2 is coming in October.
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