Meeting to recognize Autism Awareness Month
- April 7, 2021
- Rafa
- Posted in PFLAG News
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By Janice Anderson
One year at the Gender Infinity conference, I attended a panel discussion on being nonbinary. One of my children had recently explained to my husband and me that they were nonbinary and I was eager to learn more.
The panel was peopled by nonbinary students learning at the University of Houston. I learned more than I ever expected. The majority of the panel members were also autisitc. The students had been assigned female at birth before they realized they were actually nonbinary. Females are less likely to be identified as autisic so it wasn’t until college that they also realized they were neurodivergent. The panel described how diagnosticians characterize autism differently between the binaries, and why young non-males are not diagnosed. It blew open my mind and understanding of my own nonbinary child.
April is Autism Awareness month and it is a great time to become aware of the overlap between gender diversity and neurodiversity. The topic for PFLAG Houston’s General Meeting on April 11 is the relationship between expansive gender identities and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our guest speaker is Nathan Dorcey Johnson who works in the Houston Medical Center. Using research-based evidence and personal anecdotes, he will discuss considerations for parents and families of the amazing folks who live under a double rainbow.
Our general meeting begins at 2 p.m. After our guest speaks, we will break into small support groups. Small groups are the heart of PFLAG. It’s a time where you can meet other parents and allies and LGBTQ folk. We share our stories and experiences, voice our concerns and triumphs.
The meeting, along with small groups will be held via Zoom, the online meeting platform. The meeting is open to everyone, but you must get an email invitation and password to attend. To get that invitation, email [email protected] and one will be sent out to you. You may also request a meeting link on our website, www.pflaghouston.com. Having a different link each week helps keep outside shenanigans at bay and keeps our warm circle of love safe. Our weekly support groups are still being held online, as well. Until the danger of COVID-19 has passed, we will meet safely through Zoom online meetings each Sunday at 2 p.m. Meeting announcements are sent out to our emailing list. Let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.
PFLAG Houston is committed to supporting families and educating the public about LGBT issues and invites all to consider the group’s numerous volunteer opportunities. PFLAG Houston is also passionate about advocacy to ensure equal human rights and end discrimination. PFLAG Houston invites all family members, parents, and/or youth who are having problems with coming out issues, and welcomes everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, ethnicity, or political persuasion. The group is proud of its rich history and the continued contributions of members and invites all to learn more about the organization and join in efforts to create a more diverse, accepting society. Find a home in PFLAG.
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