LGBTQIA immigrants will share experiences and challenges
- June 27, 2018
- Rafa
- Posted in PFLAG News
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By Linda Bratsen
A panel of LGBTQIA immigrants addresses PFLAG Houston’s monthly public meeting on Sunday, July 8, 2018. Negative attitudes and policies directed at immigrants and LGBTQIA communities are on the rise. Thousands flee their home countries every year, escaping persecution and even threats of the death penalty. The panelists will share experiences that highlight the unique challenges they face. PFLAG Houston invites everyone to attend and honor their stories, and grow as allies and advocates.
The meeting begins at 2 p.m. in the Jones building at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 5501 Main Street; doors open at 1:45 p.m. Parking is available between Fannin and San Jacinto. Small groups, where members and visitors can confidentially share their individual journeys, follow the program. A small group is dedicated to families of transgender loved ones.
More PFLAG Houston meetings. PFLAG Houston is committed to supporting families and educating the public about LGBT issues, and invites all to consider the group’s numerous volunteer opportunities. PFLAG Houston is also passionate about advocacy to ensure equal human rights and end discrimination. PFLAG Houston invites all family members, parents and/or youth who are having problems with coming out issues, and welcomes everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, ethnicity or political persuasion. The group is proud of its rich history and the continued contributions of members, and invites all to learn more about the organization and join in efforts to create a more diverse, accepting society. Find a home in PFLAG!
PFLAG Houston’s Mid-Month Sharing Meeting meets on the third Thursday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. The meeting is located at Bering United Methodist Church, 1440 Harold Street in Houston. Enter under the teal awning. The meeting is in the first room on the left.
PFLAG Houston’s Clear Lake chapter meets the fourth Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. at Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 17503 El Camino Real Drive in Clear Lake.
PFLAG Houston’s Katy Sharing Meeting meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 ’til 8 p.m. at First Christian Church, located at 22101 Morton Ranch Road. Please enter the main building through the front doors and follow the signs. PFLAG Houston is excited to bring support, education and advocacy to the west side!
PFLAG Houston’s Yahoo Group subscription list is confidential, and all members can immediately post messages to all other members of the network. Subscribers may search PFLAG Houston’s archives to look at all previous listings.
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