The end is not in sight
- September 19, 2017
- Laura
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Lately it seems that everywhere we look there is some cataclysmic event or catastrophic threat that is wreaking havoc upon the earth and we, the inhabitants. To put it bluntly, these are scary times and many people are asking a lot of questions. Some are offering all sorts of answers.
Back in the 1960s, a cute little country singer Skeeter Davis released a song that was to become a huge hit which, over the years, has been covered by many singers and groups. Though the song “End of the World†is about the aching pain of losing love, some of the lyrics ring true for today’s collective feelings and attitude.
“Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to the shore?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?â€
They go on shining and rushing to the shore because they know it is not the end of the world! This is not the first time in the history of our beautiful planet that so many rotten things have happened in such close succession. These days we have media overload, social media and multiple sources to view and hear of everything that happens, as these things happen. In most cases, it has just become too much.
In recent weeks we have experienced hurricanes, massive flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, a solar eclipse, threat of nuclear annihilation, hunger, disease and a myriad of other negatives that are causing even learned people to wonder if the end is near. As my dear, old grandfather would say, “Poppycock!â€
There are those that attribute the horrible events to a climatic change. “We have destroyed the earth…Mother Earth is fighting back…sending a message.†The holier-than-thou un-holies (ass-holies?) are saying “God is punishing man!†The real impotent-ates, those who brag about being
“called by God†are stating the world is being punished because of the “sin of homosexuality!†“It is the same as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah….â€
I know folks whom I have always thought of as rather bright and somewhat above the earthworm, who are sending me crazy, cafeteria-style pluckings from their gingham-covered bibles, proving it is the end because, “It is in the Bible!â€
Give me a break (and I am not talking femur or humerus)!
How absolutely stupid can people be? Anyone can take any issue they want and dig around in the Bible and find some “hidden clue†or stories that parallel or foretell any message they want to cram down the throat of mankind. As Karl Max stated, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.â€
Indeed! We are in more than one kind of opiate epidemic!
Is there a “lesson†to be learned or some great teaching from all that is happening around us in our world? Yes, I think there is. Humans are being called to help one another and love each other, no matter their color, beliefs, sexuality, age or anything. We are being forced to forget self and look at our neighbors and those suffering and in pain around us. We have seen it over and over in the past few weeks, strangers helping strangers, enemies forgetting their differences and doing what they can to alleviate the suffering of others.
Kindness has come back; caring is all over the media. Maybe this is the “Big Message†we are supposed to get. God, Goddess, Mother Earth (or whatever deity you prefer) does not punish, no matter the religion, belief system or association. Ancient philosophers taught there must be balance to everything—good and bad, light and dark, etc. We must as humans come to the understanding that for so long now, we have neglected each other, slammed labels on people, marginalized so many and created a world driven by selfishness and greet. Maybe this is a wake-up call.
It is happening, people helping people. We see it on the news and read it in our papers. Strangers cry for the loss, pain and devastation of those affected by these events. In these trying times, we bear witness that all humans are connected and the golden thread is spirit—that innate thing that makes us human.
As LGBTQ men and women, we are now perhaps more than ever being given a chance to shine and show our spirit as we work to help in communities destroyed by these catastrophes. I have seen so many LGBTQ groups and organizations working to save people, pets, clean houses, provide food and care, legal assistance and tremendous financial aid through fundraising. This is what we do!
Believe me, people are looking, and our good works are noticed, appreciated and changing the way some have looked upon us in the past. This mess is our opportunity to put the lies and misconceptions to rest, to show that we truly do belong and are caring, integrated individuals, regardless of what our government, churches and great “ass-holinesses†say. As LGBTQ communities all across the globe come together and work to clean up, heal and bring light where there is darkness, we must make a difference and do so in loving and positive ways.
The stars keep shining and the sea rushes to the shore because we will settle for nothing less as we collectively overcome the hurdles that have come our way.
Peace to all and may love abide.
Forest Riggs, a resident of Galveston is no stranger to the adventures of life. A former educator and business owner, he enjoys Island life and all that comes with it. He says he is a “raconteur with a quixotic, gypsy spirit.†He has written for several newspapers and magazines as well as other writing pursuits, including a novel and collection of short stories.
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