- December 6, 2024
- Montrose Star
- Posted in THE POWER OF YOU
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STOP THE CYCLE: Gift yourself with love and light
By Dr. Julie Hollingsworth
As we embrace the last of this trilogy — word, thought and, now, deed — we shall embrace the importance of conscious reality.
There is always something that drives us into action. Every action, in an ideal world, is driven by conscious reality. This type of reality allows no influential negative or positive energy in the outcome. If thoughts waiver to the past or future and influence the present reality, consciousness has been altered. This loss of the conscious moment results in a change in the conscious experience.
For instance, according to the Multiamory glossary of relationship terms, “New relationship energy (NRE) describes the emotional and sexual energies experienced.” Feelings and emotions from the past may impede this happiness. Examples include failed relationships or being ghosted. These negative experiences may bring feelings of rejection and abandonment to the surface amidst the date. Thus, your conscious reality is impaired. Your whole demeanor may change as you get quiet. Your date doesn’t know what is going on, and you can’t stop what has already started. Your actions change and you emotionally pull yourself back from the date. Once this ball starts rolling from having these feelings, the emotions kick in. Your mind has been hijacked on a trip to the past, and that fragment of you takes over. What a letdown for all parties involved as there is no reality present.
Understand we as human beings always have energy going on in our body, mind and spirit. It is said if we can become conscious of what we are feeling and thinking, we can make a choice or decision based on conscious-clarity and reality. The opposite causes us to be unconscious and our behaviors cannot match the experience or circumstances. It may feel strangely familiar, and it is because these are the actions we have always taken.
Unconscious energies, actions and deeds include defensiveness and sometimes-insecure responses, such as sharing too much about the past, cutting the date short or shutting down completely. Do you want the actions in your life to be based on these unconscious energies? Wouldn’t you rather be free of it all and in a neutral zone?
A neutral zone is not governed by your experiences of abandonment, past trauma, anger, resentments and pain, just to name a few. All these unmet needs and unhealed wounds can be the ruling energies that lead to the pattern of sabotaging your happiness, your relationship and your life.
Becoming aware of what’s going on inside (feelings and emotions) in juxtaposition to a return to your true self can alter this present reality. To eliminate this pattern, you may need to work with a professional, thereby experiencing what has come up, to be healed.
Another example of the past running your actions might be giving bicycles during the Christmas holiday season. You might have been doing this for years without conscious energies. You may have dismissed what it was like when you were a child, and you didn’t get a bicycle because your parents weren’t available to know what you wanted, were lacking in funds or were not caring. The adult-self, experiencing these negative energies and emotions of sadness and loss, has been known to surface as feelings of not being good enough or worthy enough to receive.
This giving is a result of childhood wounds around this subject, not really from your heart. Even though you enjoy it so, it can lead to the addiction of believing you must always give for happiness to occur. This is a response from unconscious energies lowering your frequencies and vibrations. You deserve to heal that wound so you can give everything from your heart only. Why? Your heart energies are from higher vibrations. Your conscious energies and deeds can make this a healthier rewarding experience, and you can do it! If you need to find someone to help you heal or deal with these issues, please seek help. Your whole life can change when you have released the past or insecure thoughts of the future, and you deserve to be free. If you are willing to look at what you may need to heal and resolve, the outcome of your actions/deeds will permanently change.
The joyful holidays are here, time with families and friends can be a disaster or rewarding. Those energies accompanying memories of our past experiences, and what you choose to do with these feelings and emotions are up to you. Just remember the past is truly the past and — not making light of anything in your life — should remain in the past. If you can, let it go and let it stay in the past, behind you, not something you drag along with you throughout your life.
Do whatever you can do to rid yourself of these negative frequencies and vibrations of these energies that affect every part of your being. This can be the greatest gift to yourself. Again, you deserve to be free, and it can start now.
Remember there can also be things that have been put on you by others and you are carrying them around. Energetically give it back to them. This was never yours. You need not carry any unconscious energies that are not of you but are of Love and Light!
You can now concentrate on coming from positive energies that make positive frequencies and vibrations in your body, mind and soul. This is a wonderful place to live, making new memories from conscious actions/deeds. Allow self-love to guide your words, thoughts and deeds. This conscious reality should be your first course of action.
Love has the highest frequency, vibration and energy to be had. Practice conscious living every day. If you can, you will live amidst higher energies. This changes things in your life of which you were previously unaware. You will not be the same person you were before changing. Let this holiday season be the payoff for these new realities.
Be proud of yourself and now be merry with others!
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