By Johnny Trlica
Commentary: It was not that long ago that gay bars engaged in discrimination against women. Who remembers when women were not allowed in certain Montrose gay bars unless accompanied by a man or denied entrance because they were wearing open-toed shoes?
In a bygone era, the sight of a straight bartender in a gay bar would send a vodka-loving queen into hysterics. “Straight people do not belong in gay bars,” was frequently said by the patrons.
As the LGBTQ+ community has fused into everyday American life (thank you, Will & Grace), so has the straight community into ours. That’s why it is not unusual to see bartenders like Chris Commander become one of the most popular bartenders in one of Houston’s most popular clubs, Barcode.
When asked what it’s like being a straight man in a gay bar, Chris said, “Just be yourself. If I get hit on, I take it as a compliment and say thank you.” He added, “If you’re secure in your own sexuality, it’s not a problem.”
After seven years at Barcode, he considers his regulars as a second family. Chris credits his wife Jordan, who frequents his workplace, for helping build an atmosphere of respect and family at work. Together they have a daughter named Sailor.
The MONTROSE STAR Bartender of the Month is Chris Commander.
Chris Commander
Bremond, Texas. (Bremond is a small town of less than a thousand people about 45 miles southeast of Waco.)
Married, single, kids, etc.?
I am married to Jordan Commander. We have a daughter, Sailor Commander.
Have you worked at any other bars we may be familiar with?
Not unless you went to Texas A&M. I worked on Northgate during my time there.
If a patron wants to impress their date, what drink should they order from you?
Definitely a smoked martini.
What is your philosophy on being a good bartender?
Being someone who listens. No matter what someone is going through, a conversation can make a difference. You can help a person and learn from them at the same time.
Besides the money, what do you enjoy about being a bartender?
The friends that I consider family.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever seen from behind the bar?
Well, that may be inappropriate ha, ha, ha. I couldn’t pick one thing for that question!
What do you do for fun? Any hobbies?
Fishing! But definitely spending time with my friends and family.
Any New Year resolutions you want to share with us? What are your wishes for the new year?
I go with the flow and play it by ear, LOL. I wish blessings on everyone that has been a part of my journey and have been there for me.
How long have you been at Barcode and when can we catch you for a drink?
Seven years. I’m there Wednesday through Sunday. Come on out!
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